%0 Article %T The creation of the Act on Forest Owners’ Associations passed in 1950 %A Piha, Antero %D 1975 %J Silva Fennica %V 9 %N 1 %R doi:10.14214/sf.a14758 %U https://silvafennica.fi/article/4914 %X
The paper, which was written already at the turn of the year 1950–51, gives a quite detailed description of the early history of the Act on Forest Owners’ Associations, which was passed on 17 November 1950 and is still in force, of the long-lasting and multifarious preparations involved with it, and of its consideration in the parliament. In most parties there were both supporters and opponents; only the social democrats voted harmoniously for the act and the people’s democrats against it.
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