%0 Article %T On the distribution of oak (Quercus robur) in the southwest parts of Finland %A Rainio, Robert J. %D 1977 %J Silva Fennica %V 11 %N 2 %R doi:10.14214/sf.a14820 %U https://silvafennica.fi/article/4969 %X
The maps concerning the natural distribution of oak (Quercus robur L.) have proved most unreliable in detailed examination. In this paper, the author has collected his observations on natural oak in the westernmost parts of the province of Uusimaa and the easternmost parts of province of Turunmaa, the islands included. Furthermore, the paper includes some viewpoints which must be considered as criteria when determining the naturality of the stand in question. Future borders of oak’s distribution range must be moved farther up north to replace the earlier views of the northern limit of natural oak in Finland.
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