%0 Article %T Research on roots on their relationship to practical forestry %A Laitakari, Erkki %D 1929 %J Acta Forestalia Fennica %V 33 %N 2 %R doi:10.14214/aff.7211 %U https://silvafennica.fi/article/7211 %X
The growth of a tree or a forest stand can be only fully understood when the form, encroachment and development of the root s in different environments are known. Research on roots has already yielded in practical silvicultural improvements and the purpose of this study is to discuss different factors about the roots.
The literature review deals with the depth of root system, extent of it, the relation between root system and the soil structure, the form and volume of roots and the phenomenon where roots from several tree individuals grow together.
The PDF contains the article also in Finnish.