%0 Article %T Critical views on the economic theory on forestry: with special consideration on Nord-European circumstances %A Hagfors, E. A. Martin %D 1939 %J Acta Forestalia Fennica %V 47 %N 2 %R doi:10.14214/aff.7342 %U https://silvafennica.fi/article/7342 %X
The article contains three parts and a summary. The first part presents the common foundations of forest economics and forest management. The second part critically discusses the concept of sustainability and the third part takes critical view on the theories on profitability.
The author concludes by stating that the literature shows there are some old principles of forest management that always arise when the forest science progresses. The economics of forest management has been neglected in the sense that it should be acknowledged as self and not as mathematical problem as it has been handled in many theories of national economy, e.g. land rent theory. The science seems the turn back to previous findings as they are proved right again.
The PDF contains a summary in German.