Table 3. Pay-off matrix.
  NPVT NPVPN NPV TH YPN Volume control Regulation Ending forest inventory
NPVT 272 006.6 196 299.9 265 338.4 32 468.6 51 930.6 20 736.1 85 196.6 22 279.1
NPVPN 543 159.5 580 389.6 556 502.9 471 953.7 556 547.7 476 798.3 477 393.8 501 136.2
NPV 982 049.5 943 572.9 988 724.8 671 533.5 775 361.7 664 417.8 729 473.8 690 298.8
TH 250 781.2 240 479.7 244 931.0 278 572.8 231 041.5 218 057.4 222 287.9 229 502.9
YPN 16 710 110.0 17 899,110.0 17 097 550.0 15 350 050.0 18 190 080.0 15 259 160.0 15 175 400.0 15 960 530.0
Volume control 274 530.3 207 310.3 247 049.2 341 079.2 123 715.5 0.0 34 887.1 155 661.6
Regulation 746.6 588.3 572.0 582.8 464.3 164.0 0.0 251.5
Ending forest inventory 37 342.0 40 438.9 36 177.9 30 667.0 17 308.9 5803.7 12 290.2 0.0
  NPVT NPVPN NPV TH YPN Volume control Regulation Ending forest inventory
NPVT 181 286.1 114 482.1 171 220.1 129 189.4 112 557.2 66 401.3 85 995.6 49 798.0
NPVPN 818 790.7 857 357.5 842 067.9 701 338.4 857 357.5 657 038.5 668 784.6 648 237.6
NPV 1 166 960.0 1 138 723.0 1 180 171.0 868 221.9 1 136 798.0 823 921.9 835 668.0 815 121.1
TH 270 025.4 224 573.5 262 713.0 311 808.2 223 410.6 232 251.8 241 568.7 234 937.4
YPN 24 820 280.0 26 769 920.0 25 854 330.0 22 607 980.0 26 769 920.0 22 076 570.0 22 150 610.0 21 407 110.0
Volume control 280 892.9 86 833.4 216 691.1 280 685.3 86 833.4 2293.6 90 393.7 241 615.8
Regulation 1353.4 1031.4 1018.2 1660.2 1031.4 141.9 0.0 1082.4
Ending forest inventory 63 966.9 65 936.0 70 163.2 83 965.7 65 605.0 46 982.2 52 441.0 22 520.1
  NPVT NPVPN NPV TH YPN Volume control Regulation Ending forest inventory
NPVT 340 547.4 107 409.0 272 946.8 279 946.2 114 482.1 1466.1 18 143.4 3689.5
NPVPN 653 010.2 857 357.5 772 923.1 579 704.5 857 357.5 476 830.3 522 281.7 523 023.1
NPV 1 160 441.0 1 131 650.0 1 212 753.0 746 587.9 1 138 723.0 645 179.8 707 308.5 693 596.0
TH 276 762.0 220 296.1 276 967.2 340 256.9 224 573.5 246 068.4 210 472.8 246 707.3
YPN 20 242 000.0 26 769 920.0 23 811 190.0 19 041 020.0 26 769 920.0 15 847 200.0 16 590 950.0 17 271 830.0
Volume control 227 198.3 86 833.4 237 135.1 264 382.0 86 833.4 0.0 137 026.4 78 417.1
Regulation 847.3 1031.4 1060.6 1284.2 1031.4 292.6 0.0 522.1
Ending forest inventory 65 057.8 64 728.8 69 702.6 81 100.9 65 936.0 31 810.2 12 290.2 0.0
NPVT : net present value of timber harvests
NPVPN : net present value of pine nuts havested
NPV: total net present value of timber harvests and pine nuts yield
TH: timber harvests
YPN: yield of pine nuts
Volume control: sum of deviations of the volume control criteria in all the periods
Regulation: sum of deviations of the regulation criteria in all the periods
Ending forest inventory: sum of deviations of the ending forest inventory criteria in all the periods
in bold: ideal values
in italics: anti-ideal values