Table 2. The average number of genetic entries per trial, trials per genetic entry, trees analyzed and mean survival, height, establishment year, age of height assessment, and age of survival assessment used in both the model development (provenance and check-lot data) and for testing model performance (progeny data) parts of the study (maximum and minimum values in parentheses where applicable).
  Entries/trial Trials/entry No. trees Survival (%) Height (cm) Establishment year Age of height assessment2 Age of survival assessment2
Provenance and
check-lot data
Finnish data 7.49 (2–34)1 13.3 (1–89) 346288 53.0 (14–91) 444 (62–1269) 1982.8 (1966–1989) 16.1 (9–35) 16.1 (9–35)
Swedish data 7.73 (2–22)1 6.1 (1–41) 81872 64.1 (7–99) 374 (48–1053) 1976.8 (1951–1996) 17.8 (8–32) 17.3 (7–32)
Progeny data  
Finnish data 44.3 (20–143) 4.1 (1–25) 67151 72.6 (17.4–88.9) 686 (307–1287) 1977.7 (1968–1988) 17.8 (11–27) 17.8 (11–27)
Swedish data 116.7 (2–354) 1.2 (1–4) 280025 60.9 (13.3–99.9) 497 (90–1119) 1985.4 (1971–1996) 17.6 (8–32) 18.0 (8–32)
1 No field trial with <2 genetic entries was used.
2 Biological age from seed to assessment in field.