Table 3. Stand characteristics after corridor thinning in High biomass regime, including number of trees and tree clusters, basal area, and mean diameter at breast height (1.3 m) weighted against basal area (Dgv) for all trees in autumn 2012. Number of trees ha–1 with DBH > 50 mm, and 80 mm, Dgv for the 1000 and 2000 largest trees (only lodgepole pines) per hectare, and Dgv and mean height for dominant trees within retained tree groups based on all trees left after harvest. Means with different letters are different at the 0.05 level of significance according to Tukey's multiple comparison test.
Strip width (m) Removal
(ton ha–1)
(m3 ha–1)
Number of trees ( ha–1) Dgv (cm) Number of trees ha–1
>50 mm
Number of trees ha–1
>80 mm
Basal area m2 (ha–1) Dgv 1000
largest trees ha–1 (cm)
Dgv 2000
largest trees ha–1 (cm)
Number of
tree clusters (ha–1)
Dgv of dominant trees within clusters (cm) Mean height of dominant trees within clusters (m)
All trees
0.3 32.0 a 44.5 a 4486 a 7.0 a 1507 a 400 a 8.06 a 8.4 a 7.5 a 1186 b 6.5 a 6.3 a
0.6 27.3 a 37.6 a 5879 a 6.5 a 1657 a 307 a 8.51 a 8.0 a 7.3 a 2186 a 5.4 a 5.8 a
Lodgepole pine
0.3     4071 a 7.0 a 1443 a 379 a 7.67 a 8.4 a 7.5 a 1093 b 8.3 a 7.0 a
0.6     5093 a 6.5 a 1521 a 279 a 7.72 a 8.0 a 7.1 a 1922 a 7.1 a 6.5 a