Table 4. Parameter estimates, standard errors (SE), and random effects of the frost hardiness development model (Eq. 3).
Parameters Fixed part Random part
Parameters Estimates Correlations
Estimate SE p-values Ambient T+1 °C Ambient T+4 °C Ambient T+4 °C + CO2
Ambient T+1 °C; β0 8.2463184a 0.4665176 < 0.001 variance (ai(1)) 0.722192 1 0.15 –0.02
Ambient T+4 °C; β0+ β1 9.3113819b 0.4869418 < 0.001 variance (ai(2)) 1.297782 1 0.38
Ambient T+4 °C + CO2; β0+ β2 10.006337b 0.5008949 < 0.001 variance (ai(3)) 1.266242 1
Day; β3 –0.1186385 0.0366558 variance (djt) 0.010722
Day2; β4 –0.0067618 0.0008185 < 0.001
Box; variance (bt) 1.673232
Different letters following estimated values indicate differences among climate treatments (p < 0.05). Ambient T+1 °C – 1 °C above ambient and ambient CO2,
Ambient T+4 °C – 4 °C above ambient and ambient CO2, Ambient T+4 °C + CO2 – 4 °C above ambient and elevated CO2.