Table 1. Main stand characteristics of the study sites. H – average stand height, D1.3 – average breast height diameter, BA – basal area.
Study site Age
Stand area
(trees ha–1)
(m2 ha–1)
(m3 ha–1)
Downy birch 30 5.1 1660 15 14 24.5 193
Norway spruce 55 0.9 942 17 18,4 25 208
Scotch pine 65 1.3 620 23 22 20.1 218
Table 2. Soil characteristics of the studied stands. C – organic carbon (%), N – Kjeldahl nitrogen (%), P – available (AL) phosphorus (mg kg–1), K 620 available (AL) potassium (mg kg–1), average concentrations are presented for the upper 10 cm soil layer (n = 5), World Reference Base for soil resources (WRB). View in new window/tab.

Fig. 1. Mean concentrations of soil mineral nitrogen in the upper 10 cm soil layer of birch, spruce and pine stand. Bars indicate the values of standard error, n=8 (24 replicates pooled by three).


Fig. 2. Mean concentrations of soil NO3-N and NH4-N in the upper 10 cm soil layer of a) birch, b) spruce and c) pine stand. Bars indicate the values of standard error, n=8 (24 replicates pooled by three).


Fig. 3. Dynamics of monthly average soil temperature in the upper 10 cm soil layer and the dynamics of net nitrogen mineralization (NNM) intensity (mg kg–1 N day–1) in the a) birch, b) spruce and c) pine stand in 2014–2015. Bars indicate the values of standard error.

Table 3. Annual net nitrification (NO3-N), annual net ammonification (NH4-N), total net nitrogen mineralization (NNM) (kg ha–1) and the share of net nitrification (%) in the studied stands.
Study site NO3-N
NNM Nitrification
Downy birch 129.3 –1.7 127.5 100.0
Norway spruce 83.3 4.4 87.7 94.9
Scots pine –0.1 11.8 11.8 0.0
Table 4. Litter characteristics of the studied stands (n = 7).
Stand Leaves
(t ha–1)
(t ha–1)
(t ha–1)
(t ha–1)
Total N concentration
N input
(kg ha–1)
Leaves Needles Leaves Needles
Birch 3.1 0.4 0.1 3.7 ± 0.18 1.14 35.7 42
Spruce 0.8 2.0 0.9 0.6 4.3 ± 0.16 1.11 0.80 24.9 59
Pine 0.3 2.1 0.5 0.9 3.8 ± 0.15 0.96 0.34 10.0 157