Fig. 1. Location of the species-specific volume prediction study area and field plots in Finland. Sentinel-2 SWIR2 band (b12) background. UAS means unmanned aircraft system, SMK means Finnish Forest Centre.

Table 1. Mean and standard deviation (in parentheses) of the main forest attributes of the validation field plots and Finnish Forest Centre (SMK) plots. The SMK field plots are used only to predict the tree species proportions. The validation field plots are used to evaluate the performance of predictions. DGM is the diameter of the basal area median tree. Dominance is the percentage of a tree species with respect to the summed volumes of all tree species.
Volume (m3 ha–1) Lorey’s height (m) DGM (cm) Dominance (%)
Pine Validation 59.5 (100.2) 18.3 (7.2) 22.9 (7.1) 24.8
SMK 80.0 (100.6) 17.8 (5.7) 21.7 (8.4) 36.3
Spruce Validation 133.7 (132.1) 18.6 (7.8) 18.4 (10.1) 55.8
SMK 98.0 (134.7) 14.5 (6.7) 17.5 (9.3) 44.5
Broadleaved Validation 46.5 (64.9) 18.8 (6.9) 16.8 (8.4) 19.4
SMK 42.2 (63.8) 15.6 (5.5) 14.9 (7.8) 19.2
Total Validation 239.6 (132.5) 21.2 (6.2) 22.4 (7.2) 100.0
SMK 220.8 (122.0 17.8 (5.0) 20.9 (7.4) 100.0
Table 2. Spectral bands for the Sentinel-2B sensors used in the prediction of tree species proportions.
Band Central Wavelength (nm) Bandwidth (nm) Resolution (m)
1 – Coastal aerosol 442.2 21 60
2 – Blue (B) 492.1 66 10
3 – Green (G) 559.0 36 10
4 – Red (R) 664.9 31 10
5 – Red edge 1 (RE1) 703.8 16 20
6 – Red edge 2 (RE2) 739.1 15 20
7 – Red edge 3 (RE3) 779.7 20 20
8 – Near infrared (NIR) 832.9 106 10
8a – Near infrared narrow (NIRn) 864.0 22 20
9 – Water vapor 943.2 21 60
10 – Shortwave infrared / Cirrus 1376.9 30 60
11 – Shortwave infrared 1 (SWIR1) 1610.4 94 20
12 – Shortwave infrared 2 (SWIR2) 2185.7 185 20
Table 3. Satellite image features used in the prediction of tree species proportions. Subscript b1–12 denotes band number; band wavelengths are explained in Table 2. Subscript July denotes that the feature is computed from a July image, Sep denotes that the feature is computed from a September image.
Feature abbreviation Explanation
mean(b1–12)July, Sep Mean
ratio(b1–12)July, Sep Ratio of bands (b1–12)July, Sep / (b1–12)July, Sep
Table 4. Top 10 most important Sentinel-2 features for the prediction of tree species proportions with k nearest neighbor (k-NN) imputation. Tree species proportions are used in the prediction of volumes by tree species. Frequency indicates the proportion of the models from 1000 iterations of variable selection that contained that variable. Variables are described in Table 2.
Feature Frequency (%)
1 – (SWIR2)July 81.8
2 – (SWIR2)July / (R)Sep 31.3
3 – (R)Sep 29.2
4 – (R)Sep / (G)Sep 26.0
5 – (SWIR2)July / (B)Sep 24.1
6 – (SWIR2)July / (RE1)Sep 24.0
7 – (R)Sep / (RE2)Sep 23.3
8 – (G)Sep / (RE2)Sep 22.9
9 – (R)Sep / (NIRn)Sep 22.8
10 – (B)Sep / (NIR)Sep 22.0
Table 5. Absolute and relative root mean square error (RMSE) and mean difference (MD) values associated with tree species-specific volume proportions in the validation data using k nearest neighbor (k-NN) imputation. p.p. denotes percentage point.
RMSE (p.p.) RMSE (%) MD (p.p.) MD (%)
Pine 17.9 63.8 6.2 22.3
Spruce 18.7 39.1 –6.2 –13.0
Broadleaved 10.6 43.9 –0.02 –0.09
Table 6. Absolute and relative root mean square error (RMSE) and mean difference (MD) values associated with volumes by tree species and total volume in the validation data.
RMSE (m3 ha–1) RMSE (%) MD (m3 ha–1) MD (%)
Pine 37.4 62.6 7.0 11.8
Spruce 44.8 33.4 –13.4 –10.0
Broadleaved 24.2 51.9 2.0 4.4
Total 21.7 9.0 3.3 –0.8

Fig. 2. Visual accuracy assessment using scatterplots of predicted and observed volumes by tree species and total volume in the validation field plots. The diagonal dashed line indicates a perfect prediction. Volumes are predicted using photogrammetric UAS data, Sentinel-2 images and prior field measurements.