Fig. 1. The design of the first Swedish NFI (1923–1929). Delineated areas indicate counties with year of inventory and pattern within areas visualizes distance between belts and their direction.
Table 1. An overview of the design of the Swedish NFI at different time points. | ||
Period | Design | Coverage |
1923–29 | Sampling of temporary belts 10 m wide | County-wise |
1938–52 | Sampling of temporary belts combined with temporary plots positioned along the center line of the belt | County-wise |
1953–72 | Sampling of temporary tracts, i.e. a cluster of plots where the plots are positioned along the sides of a rectangle with varying side length depending on stratum | Whole country, 1/10th annually |
1973–82 | Sampling of temporary tracts, i.e. a cluster of plots where the plots are positioned along the sides of a rectangle with varying side length depending on stratum | Whole country, 1/5th annually |
1983–92 | Sampling of temporary and permanent tracts. Permanent tracts re-measured every 5th year | Whole country, 1/5th annually |
1993–02 | Sampling of temporary and permanent tracts. Varying re-measurement interval | Whole country, varying from 1/10th to 1/5th annually |
2003– | Sampling of temporary and permanent tracts. Permanent tracts re-measured every 5th year | Whole country, 1/5th annually |
Fig. 2. The design of the Swedish NFI from 1923 onwards (T = temporary, P = permanent). The squares
are tracts (clusters of sample plots) with side-length 300–1800 m, and the circles are sample plots.
Fig 3. Changes in sample plot design from 1983 onwards for permanent (above) and temporary plots (below).
Table 2. New and modified variables introduced in the Swedish NFI in 2003 for improved data related to sustainable wood-production. | ||
New or modified variable from 2003 | Description | Method |
Diameter on thickest branch (below 2 m of height) | Measured on sub-sample trees | Measurement with a slide (vernier) caliper |
Presence of abrupt bend | Assessed on sub-sample trees | Measurement |
Presence of long bend | Assessed on sub-sample trees | Ocular assessment |
Height and crown height measurement | Measured on sub-sample trees | Registered in 0.1 m classes instead of 0.5 m classes |
Height of stump | Measured on stumps | Measurement with a ruler |
Objective elk-damage inventory (ÄBIN) | Assessment of damage/no damage caused by elk-grazing | Assessed on individual trees on sample plots (r = 3.5 m) |
Stand damage | Assessment of the type of stand damage including cause of damage for existing stands, or previous stand if ruined due to damage | Assessed on sample plots (r = 20 m) |
Tree damage | Assessment on sub-sample trees | Assessed on sub-sample trees separately for crown-, stem-, cambium- and root damages |
Table 3. New and modified variables introduced in the Swedish NFI in 2003 for improved data on biodiversity and wildlife. | ||
New or modified variable from 2003 | Description | Method |
Presence of traces from woodpeckers | Presence/absence registration | Assessment on sub-sample trees and on dead wood objects |
Presence of Polyporus fungi | Presence/absence registration including species | Assessment on sub-sample trees and on dead wood objects |
Assessment of vegetation on dead trees and logs | Assessment of coverage | Assessment on dead wood objects |
Assessment of distance to the ground | Measurement of distance to ground | Measurement on logs with a ruler |
Additional class of decomposition on dead wood: Newly dead | Assesment of decomposition class | Assessment on dead wood objects |
Bark-coverage on dead trees and logs | Assessment | Classes 0–100% |
Ant-hills | Presence of ant-hills | Measurement of diameter and height |
Large trees and retention trees (abandoned 2008) | Presence of large trees (definition see Fig. 3) | Registration of species and measurement of dbh |
Presence of ground- and bottom flora | Short list of species (22 species or species groups) | Performed on 2 sub-plots (r = 0.28 m) Height above ground recorded for lichens. Flowers/berries counted on plants of Vaccinium vitis-idea and V. myrtillus |
Crown cover | Vertical projection of tree crowns in %. Over-coverage not considered | All living trees included, bushes not included |
Area of land-use class | To fulfill international reporting where minimum area is often included | Area based on map- and ocular studies registered |
New sampling design for measurement of dead wood | Point of germination or thickest end defined as point of inclination | All lying objects included if point of inclination is within the sample plot, i.e. part outside plot included |
Inventory within reserves | Ordinary field work also on plots within National parks and Nature reserves (excluded before 2003) | Identical sampling scheme as for plots outside these areas |
Performed forestry measures registered also on unproductive forestland | Before 2003 only registered on productive forestland | Identical methods to those used for plots located on productive forestland |
Registration of cause of felling | If felling of trees are registered on a plot, also cause is registered | Three categories: Normal felling, Clearing after severe damage, Nature conservation |
Modified procedures for registration and assessment of tree-layers | Maximum three layers, presence of all occurring tree species in % of total number of stems or basal area (depending on height) | Regardless of how small proportion a tree species amount to, it´s occurrence is indicated registering 1% |
Stand-attributes also registered on unproductive forestland | Stand-age, mean height, basal area, tree species composition | Identical methods to those used for plots located on productive forestland |
Forest stands suitable for selective cutting | Included as a separate cutting class | - |
Number of occurrences of elk-droppings | Counted (r = 3.5 m). Before 2003 r = 5.0 m | - |
Fig. 4. Outline of the Swedish NFI reporting and analysis system. View larger in new window/tab.