Fig. 1. Locations of natural stands (crosses) and trial sites (filled squares). Seedlings were taken from stands: 1: Ruissalo (60°26´N, 22°08´E, ETRS89) and Katariinanlaakso (60°25´N, 22°16´E) in Turku, 2: Parainen-Lenholmen (60°14´N, 22°12´E), 3: Tammisaari-Framnäs (60°01´N, 23°06´E), 4: Inkoo-Elisaari (59°58´N, 23°54´E) and 5: Helsinki-Malmi (60°14´N, 25°01´E). Trials were conducted at Elimäki (E), Lohja (L), Muurame (M), Paimio (P) and Parainen (Pr).

Table 1. Basic descriptive data concerning the pedunculate oak trials. DD = day degrees, OMT = Oxalis acetosella -Vaccinium myrtillus type (Cajander 1949), RBD = randomized block design.
Parameters Trial location
  Elimäki Lohja Muurame Paimio Parainen
Planting date 25/05/1998 29/05/1998 02/06/1998 28/05/1998 12/06/1998
Longitude (E) 26°23´ 24°08´ 25°32´ 22°45´ 22°25´
Latitude (N) 60°43´ 60°14´ 62°11´ 60°27´ 60°17´
DD 1297 °C 1315 °C 1160 °C 1298 °C 1339 °C
Slope (%) 0−1 0−1 7 0−5 0−2
Orientation - - South West - North West
Elevation (m)
(mean sea level)
45 40 160 32 13
Soil type Arable Arable OMT Arable Arable
Plantation density
500 500 500 500 500
Preparations herbicide treatment, ploughing, harrowing ploughing mounding ploughing, harrowing herbicide treatment, ploughing
Plantation design RBD RBD RBD RBD RBD
Number of blocks 25 25 25 25 25
Spacing (m) 4.5 × 4.5 4.5 × 4.5 4.5 × 4.5 4.5 × 4.5 4.5 × 4.5
Total planting area (ha) 5.06 5 4.5 5 5.1

Fig. 2. Mean percent survival (2a) and height (2b) (cm) with standard deviations of pedunculate oak seedlings with different origins after 13 years of growth in several trial sites.

Table 2. Analysis of variance. Effects of seedling origin, family and trial site on the survival and height of six pedunculate oak populations.
Factors Sources of variation d.f. M.S. F P
Survival Trial 4 49 684.2 27.5 0.000
Origin 5 38 354.8 21.2 0.000
Trial × origin 20 4167.8 2.3 0.001
Block(trial) 120 7590.0 4.2 0.000
Family(origin) 63 8438.3 4.7 0.000
Family(origin) × trial 252 3432.1 1.9 0.000
Error 8586 1807.9    
Height Trial 4 1 181 149.9 166.4 0.000
Origin 5 65 671.0 9.2 0.000
Trial × origin 20 18 077.9 2.5 0.000
Block(trial) 120 79 080.5 11.1 0.000
Family(origin) 63 21 919.7 3.1 0.000
Family(origin) × trial 252 7717.7 1.1 0.169
Error 5987 7100.3    

Fig. 3. Ecovalences and mean height-sums of the six seedling origins. Ecovalence values are shown as the proportion contributed by each origin to the total sum of squares.


Fig. 4. Open-pollinated family level ecovalences and height-sums for the six seedling origins. Each symbol represents one family in the experiment.