Fig. 1. Mass loss of Hevea brasiliensis wood blocks after 3 and 6 months caused by isolates of Rigidoporus microporus. Values with different letters differed significantly within groups according to Tukey HSD test (P < 0.05). Error bars indicate standard errors of the mean.


Fig. 2. Growth of Rigidoporus microporus isolates at different temperatures on malt extract agar after 6 days. Two way ANOVA shows interactive effect of isolates and temperature is significant (P < 0.05) and only this interaction was significant. The F and P values for the time x isolate combinations are indicated. Error bars indicate standard deviations of the mean.


Fig. 3. Simultaneous white rot decay of Hevea brasiliensis wood by Rigidoporus microporus. (A) MUCL45064, Decay progressing from ray towards (arrows) the fibers and cell wall thinning through simultaneous attack. (B) ED310, Early stage of fibre separation due to attack of middle lamellae. (C) MS564b, Delignification spreading from across fibers as seen by the loss of staining (upper fibre regions). (D) ED310, Hypha (H) stained with aniline-blue (arrow) in the rays. (E) ED310, Hypha (H) penetrating vessel. (F) MS564b, hyphae (H) spreading through a fibre. Fig 3A-C –Transverse sections stained with safranin. Fig. 3D-F-Longitudinal sections stained with aniline blue. Bars: 20 µm.