Table 1. Variables in each NFI plot used in analyses. |
Variable | Explanation |
Diameter at breast height (DBH) | Average of all trees, basal area-weighted. |
Height | If height ≥ 7 m, the average height of all trees weighted by basal area; if height < 7 m, the arithmetic average of the dominant trees. |
Tree density | Number of trees ha–1. |
Above-ground biomass density | OD t ha–1 of stemwood with bark and living branches including needles and fine fractions (calculated according to Marklund 1988). |
Standing volume per ha | Stem volume over bark and above the stump, including the tops. |
Maturity class | Cutting class according to Nilsson et al. (2011). |
Stand age | Years |
Composition of tree species | Proportions (%) of Scots pine, lodgepole pine, spruce and broadleaves. |
Ground moisture, soil parent material | Classes using the Swedish terrain classification method of Berg (1992). |
Pre-commercially thinned (PCT) | No / Yes |
Commercially thinned | No / Yes |
Previous land use other than forest | No / Yes (and use, e.g. pasture, arable land, gravel pit, etc.) |

Fig. 1. The regions of Sweden (Northern Norrland, Southern Norrland, Svealand, Götaland), the areal proportion (%) of productive forest land by county (left), the areal proportion of BDTF within the productive forest land by county (middle) and the average stand age of BDTF by county (right). Results refer to BDTF of category D (i.e. applying all selection constraints to the overall NFI dataset). © Lantmäteriet, i2014/764.
Table 2. The area of BDTF (defined using indicated constraints), the ratio of BDTF area to the total area of productive forest, the BDTF growing stock and the ratio of BDTF growing stock to the total growing stock on Sweden’s productive forest land. |
Category | BDTF area (M ha) | Ratio of BDTF/total productive forest areal (%) | BDTF growing stock (M OD t) | Ratio of BDTF/total growing stock (%) |
A | 9.77 | 43.5 | 564.07 | 34.2 |
B | 6.94 | 30.9 | 518.25 | 31.4 |
C | 2.97 | 13.2 | 160.81 | 9.7 |
D | 2.11 | 9.4 | 119.26 | 7.2 |
Table 3. Regional distribution of BDTF area (ha), average biomass of growing stock (OD t ha–1) and total standing biomass (M OD t), by average stem volume subclass (BDTF of category D). |
Region | Subclass (average stem volume “x”, dm3) |
10 ≤ x < 20 | 20 ≤ x < 30 | 30 ≤ x < 40 |
ha | OD t ha–1 | M OD t | ha | OD t ha–1 | M OD t | ha | OD t ha–1 | M OD t |
1 N.Norrland | 262 292 | 50.1 | 13.14 | 147 003 | 54.6 | 8.03 | 108 859 | 55.3 | 6.02 |
2 S.Norrland | 195 624 | 58.8 | 11.51 | 128 204 | 61.0 | 7.83 | 79 770 | 57.3 | 4.57 |
3 Svealand | 146 521 | 53.6 | 7.85 | 83 711 | 55.3 | 4.63 | 57 296 | 57.3 | 3.28 |
4 Götaland | 93 846 | 54.4 | 5.10 | 53 124 | 59.7 | 3.17 | 49 465 | 63.6 | 3.15 |
Total | 698 282 | 53.8 | 37.60 | 412 042 | 57.4 | 23.65 | 295 390 | 57.6 | 17.02 |
| 40 ≤ x < 60 | 60 ≤ x < 120 | Total |
| ha | OD t ha–1 | M OD t | ha | OD t ha–1 | M OD t | ha | OD t ha–1 | M OD t |
1 N.Norrland | 137 044 | 49.3 | 6.76 | 142 258 | 54.8 | 7.80 | 797 455 | 52.3 | 41.74 |
2 S.Norrland | 76 397 | 61.1 | 4.67 | 97 930 | 60.3 | 5.90 | 577 924 | 59.7 | 34.48 |
3 Svealand | 75 715 | 60.5 | 4.58 | 66 881 | 59.3 | 3.96 | 430 125 | 56.5 | 24.30 |
4 Götaland | 64 683 | 67.1 | 4.34 | 44 556 | 66.7 | 2.97 | 305 673 | 61.3 | 18.73 |
Total | 353 839 | 57.5 | 20.34 | 351 624 | 58.7 | 20.64 | 2 111 177 | 56.5 | 119.26 |
Table 4. Proportions (%) of BDTF dominated by indicated single species or pairs of co-dominants (accounting for at least 60% and at least 80% of stands’ cover, respectively; BDTF of category D). |
Dominant tree species in the stand | Proportion (%) of total BDTF area (2.11 M ha) | Proportion (%) of BDTF area on abandoned farmland (0.04 M ha) |
Broadleaves ( ≥ 60%) | 10.6 | 24.6 |
Spruce (Picea abies) ( ≥ 60%) | 26.6 | 65.8 |
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) ( ≥ 60%) | 52.0 | 5.7 |
Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) ( ≥ 60%) | 7.4 | - |
Spruce and scots pine ( ≥ 80%) | 0.8 | 1.1 |
Spruce and broadleaves ( ≥ 80%) | 1.7 | - |
Scots pine and broadleaves ( ≥ 80%) | 0.7 | 2.9 |
Scots pine and lodgepole pine ( ≥ 80%) | 0.1 | - |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Fig. 2. Characteristics of the BDTF (of category D) across the whole of Sweden. The Y-axis shows the cumulative percentage of the area occupied by the forests characterized by the parameters represented on the upper and lower X-axes. The absolute BDTF areas are shown in Table 3.
Table 5. Annual technical harvesting potential of delimbed stemwood and whole (undelimbed) trees from BDTF across regions of Sweden, applying selection constraints A-C and A-D. View in new window/tab. |