Fig. 1. From left to right: (A) a defect-free tree with neither codominant stems nor a double crown; (B) a tree with codominant stems; (C) a tree with a double crown; (D) a codominant stem that has split into a double crown. Diameter at breast height (DBH) was measured by the harvester during the field study. Consequently, breast height is approximately 1.3 m above ground level. The forking always occurred above the breast-height level in our study.

Table 1. Random effect (i.e., block) estimates (s tree–1) from the linear mixed model (LMM) analysis for the dependent variables. Diameter at breast height (DBH) is provided in cm. The number of trees (n) in the final dataset was 1503. All trees were lodgepole pines (Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon).
Dependent variable Mean DBH (a n
Total time Crane-out Processing
Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value
Block 1: operator A, old machine 0.097 0.947 0.118 0.799 –0.023 0.983 25.8 579
Block 2: operator A, new machine –3.269 0.026 –1.239 0.008 –1.971 0.071 23.0 391
Block 3: operator B, old machine 3.565 0.018 0.673 0.164 2.824 0.012 25.1 191
Block 4: operator B, new machine –0.393 0.790 0.448 0.340 –0.830 0.449 23.6 342
a) The dataset’s overall mean DBH was 24.5 cm.
Table 2. Fixed effect estimates (s tree⁻¹) from the LMM analysis for the dependent variables. The machine was either repositioned during the crane-out work element or not (driving: yes/no). Driving and processing did not occur simultaneously. The covariate DBH should be provided in cm.
Dependent variable Effect Estimate Standard error t-value p-value
Total time Intercept 46.03 2.25 20.43 <0.001
DBH 0.80 0.05 17.46 <0.001
Codominant stems: No –31.31 0.96 –32.47 <0.001
Yes 0
Double crown: No –1.81 0.58 –3.14 0.002
Yes 0
Driving: No (a –6.94 0.44 –15.84 <0.001
Yes 0
Crane-out Intercept 13.43 0.87 15.52 0.001
DBH 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.941
Codominant stems: No –1.29 0.41 –3.14 0.002
Yes 0
Double crown: No 0.01 0.25 0.05 0.956
Yes 0
Driving: No (a –6.80 0.19 –36.40 <0.001
Yes 0
Processing Intercept 32.50 1.83 17.80 <0.001
DBH 0.80 0.04 20.21 <0.001
Codominant stems: No –30.03 0.83 –36.08 <0.001
Yes 0
Double crown: No –1.83 0.50 –3.67 <0.001
Yes 0
a) In the results section’s example calculations, we used estimates –6.94 × 0.564 and –6.80 × 0.564, where 0.564 was the probability of a tree being unaffected by a driving event during the field study.