Fig. 1. The nine planting sites of the study located in western Finland, five of them too close to be distinguished on the map. The coordinates of the study area are 60°41’52”N–61°59’38”N and 21°36’24”E–23°48’49”E. The map was created using ArcGIS Pro (version 3.1.0) software.

Table 1. Information on the planting sites of the study (1–9). The topsoil stoniness class (soil stoniness) of the site was visually determined as being either stoneless, normal, or stony.
Site Area
Soil class1 Site class2 Soil stoniness Slash harvested
Stumps harvested
Seedlings planted
Planting density
(pcs ha–1)
1 3.7 P VT Stoneless No No 6736 1821
2 1.6 M MT Stony No No 2626 1641
3 5.6 M MT Normal Yes No 10 444 1865
4 7.9 M MT Normal Yes No 14 495 1835
5 3.5 M MT Normal Yes No 5743 1641
6 4.6 M MT Normal Yes No 7882 1713
7 7.2 M MT Normal Yes No 12 269 1704
8 3.0 M OMT Normal Yes Yes 5406 1802
9 3.5 M MT Normal Yes No 6302 1801
Total 40.6           71 903  
Average 4.5             1771
1 Soil class: P = peatland, M = mineral soil.
2 Site class according to Cajander (1926): VT = Vaccinium vitis-idaea type (sub-xeric heath forests), MT = Vaccinium myrtillus type (mesic heath forests), OMT = Oxalis–Myrtillus type (herb-rich heath forests).
Table 2. Productivity levels of mounding and MECP (ha G15-h–1, including short [<15 min] delays) and the machine utilization rates used in the cost analysis of the study. The life spans of the base machines and devices are also given, as well as the total annual work time, operating working hours, and silvicultural use.
Variable Base machine
Excavator (17 t) Forwarder (18 t) Excavator (17 t)
Mounding bucket Mounder Planting device
Bracke M24.a Risutec PM-160
Productivity (ha G15-h–1) 0.167ab 0.900b 0.119c
Machine utilization rate (%) 85d 85d 80
Life span (h)
   Base machine 12 000d 12 000d 12 000d
   Device 7500d 7500d 7500d
Worktime (h yr–1)
   Total 2220 2220 2136
   Silvicultural 1332 1332 1080
Operating hours (G15-h yr–1)
   Total 1887 1887 1709
   Silvicultural 1132 1132 864
Silvicultural use (ha yr–1) 189 1019 103
a Saksa et al. (2002).
b Saarinen (2006).
c The productivity of the MECP was based on the results of this study.
d Same value as used in the studies by Strandström et al. (2011) and Hallongren et al. (2014).
Table 3. Fixed and variable costs and other main parameters of the cost analysis of the study.
Variable Base machine
Excavator (17 t) Forwarder (18 t) Excavator (17 t)
Mounding bucket Mounder Planting device
Bracke M24.a Risutec PM-160
Purchase price (€)
   Base machine 179 000 350 000 179 000
   Device 5000 130 000 60 000
Annual depreciation (%)
   Base machine 15 15 15
   Device 40 40 40
Interest rate (%) 5 5 5
Storage costs (€ yr–1) 1058 1410 1058
Insurance costs (€ yr–1) 900 1800 900
Administration costs (€ yr–1) 8000 8000 8000
Maintenance supplies (€ yr–1) 747 747 1121
Maintenance costs (€ yr–1) 5520 14 400 7170
Labor costs
   Hourly wages (€ h–1) 16.18 16.18 16.18
   Indirect wage cost (%) 55 55 55
   Kilometer allowance (€ km–1) 0.57 0.57 0.67
Fuel and lubrication costs
   Fuel consumption (l h–1) 9 17 9
   Fuel price (€ l–1) 1.25 1.25 1.25
   Lubricant consumption (l h–1) 0.2 0.2 0.2
   Lubrication price (€ l–1) 3.6 3.6 3.6
Relocation costs (€ km–1) 2.35a 2.35a 2.35a
a Ahtikoski et al. (2024).
Table 4. Average loading time consumption of the seedling cassette by site (1–9) and average of all loading times in the study. The seedling cassette of the Risutec PM-160 was loaded with 160 seedlings at a time.
Site number Average
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Loading time (min.s) 11.34 9.29 8.30 8.39 10.17 12.38 10.15 10.54 10.57 10.08

Fig. 2. Distribution of the seedling cassette loading times, with 371 loading time observations included in the final data of this study.


Fig. 3. Distribution of the planting times based on the data from this study.


Fig. 4. Operating hour productivity (seedlings G15-h–1, including short [<15 min] delays) and standard deviation of operating hour productivity by planting site (1–9) of the study.


Fig. 5. Relative hectare-based costs of each planting chain (EXC + MAP = excavator-based mounding and manual planting; CONT + MAP = continuously advancing mounding and manual planting; MECP = excavator-based mechanized planting). The operating costs of EXC + MAP are given as 100%, with the costs of the other planting chains being proportional to EXC + MAP.

Table 5. Effect of the purchase price of the MECP base machine on the relative hectare-based costs (100 = EXC + MAP) when the price changed by ±15%, ±25%, and ±35% in the sensitivity analysis of the study. For each price category of the base machine, the minimum productivity required for MECP to be a competitive option for planting is given.
Price change Purchase price Relative cost Requested productivity
(%) (€) (ha G15-h−1) (seedlings G15-h−1)
–35 116 350 91 0.108 194
–25 134 250 93 0.110 198
–15 152 150 94 0.113 203
0 179 000 97 0.116 209
15 205 850 100 0.119 215
25 223 750 102 0.122 220
35 241 650 104 0.124 223