Table 1. The basic stand data estimates for delimbed stems around Rovaniemi.
Parameter Average Standard deviation Unit
Forwarding distance 234 24 m
Transportation distance 79 27 km
The volume of stems harvested 35 14 dm3
Removal, number of stems per hectare 1385 565 stems ha–1
Removal, m3 of stems harvested per hectare 43 13 m3 ha–1
The percentage of Scots pine of total removal 43 44 %
The percentage of Norway spruce of total removal 14 25 %
The percentage of birch of total removal 41 39 %
The percentage of other broadleaf trees of total removal 2 12 %
Table 2. The wood properties of delimbed stems or chips produced from delimbed stems as a function of drying method and moisture content.
Material type Moisture content,
Average weight,
kg m–3
Standard deviation
Delimbed stems as fresh 55 950 82
Delimbed stems after storing 40 662 57
Artificially dried fuel chips 40 710 61
Artificially dried fuel chips 30 609 52
Artificially dried fuel chips 20 533 18

Fig. 1. The supply chains and forest resources of this study by the main work stages. View larger in new window/tab.

Table 3. The productivity and cost parameters for the supply chains. MC = moisture content.
The cost of organization, € m–3 3.2
The stumpage price of delimbed stems, € m–3 5.5
Hourly cost of the harvester equipped with multi-stem devices, € E15h–1 102.3
Gross effective time (E15h) coefficient for multi-stem cutting 1.39
Hourly cost of the forwarder, € E15h–1 81.0
Payload of the forwarder, m3 9.0
Gross effective time (E15h) coefficient for forwarding 1.3
The cost of chipping at the terminal or end use facility, € m–3 5.5
The cost of chipping at the roadside landing, € m–3 8.0
Payload of the 76-tonne timber truck with fresh timber (MC 55%), m3 47.6–60.6
Payload of the 76-tonne timber truck with stored timber (MC 40%), m3 63.8
Payload of the 69-tonne chip truck with fresh timber (MC 55%), m3 38.5–48.9
Payload of the 69-tonne chip truck with stored timber (MC 40%), m3 55.2–63.0
Payload of the 76-tonne chip truck in the chip deliveries from the terminal (MC 20–40%), m3 61.1–63.0
Table 4. Hourly cost details of the truck-mounted chipper capable of operating at roadside landings, terminals and end use facilities.
Purchase price of truck-mounted chipper, € 520 000
Annual depreciation of purchase price, % 17
Lifespan, years 7
Productive machine hours per year, E15h–1 805
Salvage value, € 141 107
   Depreciation, € a–1 54 128
   Interest, € a–1 17 881
   Insurance, € a–1 14 128
   Administration, € a–1 7500
   Annual working time, h 2237
   Average wage for a worker, € h–1 18
   Indirect wage costs, % 68
   Wage costs total, € a–1 67 640
   Fuel cost, € a–1 96 173
   Fuel price, € litres–1 0.9
   Blade cost, € a–1 10 146
   Lubricants 2805
   Service and maintenance cost, € a–1 18 583
Risk and profit margin (5%), € a–1 14 449
TOTAL COSTS: 303 433
   Operating hour cost for chipping, € E15h–1 (VAT 0%) 376.8
Table 5. Hourly cost details of the truck-trailers.
ETS chip truck-trailer
timber truck-trailer
chip truck-trailer
Purchase price of truck, € 166 300 193 800 166 300
Annual depreciation of purchase price, % 20 20 20
Lifespan, years & kilometres 10 & 756 830 10 & 756 830 7 & 657 842
Salvage value, € 17 856 20 809 34 876
Purchase price of timber loader - 70 000 -
Annual depreciation of purchase price, % - 20 -
Lifespan, years - 10 -
Salvage value, € - 7516 -
Purchase price of trailer, € 185 500 66 000 171 900
Annual depreciation of purchase price, % 25 25 25
Lifespan, years & kilometres 10 & 756 830 10 & 756 830 7 & 657 842
Salvage value, € 10 446 3717 22 946
   Depreciation, € a–1 32 350 29 776 40 054
   Interest, € a–1 7212 7133 8950
   Insurance, € a–1 8500 5500 8500
   Administration, € a–1 8443 8524 8429
   Annual working time, h 4320 4320 4320
   Average wage for a worker, € h–1 18 18 18
   Indirect wage costs, % 68 68 68
   Wage costs total, € a–1 130 637 130 637 130 637
   Fuel price, € litres–1 1.15 1.15 1.15
   Fuel consumption, litres100 km–1 62 63 66
   Fuel cost, € a–1 53 962 54 832 71 545
   Number of truck wheels and tyre price, € pcs–1 12*725 12*725 12*725
   Number of trailer wheels and tyre price, € pcs–1 10*450 20*450 18*450
   Service life of tyres, km 120 000 120 000 120 000
   Number of remoulds during service life 2 2 2
   Remould price, € pcs–1 300 300 300
   Tyre cost, € a–1 5947 8312 9733
   Service and maintenance cost, € a–1 32 000 32 582 32 000
Risk and profit margin (5%), € a–1 13 953 13 865 15 492
TOTAL COSTS: 293 003 291 159 325 340
   Operating hour cost for terminal time, € E15h–1 (VAT 0%) 46.5 45.2 49.1
   Operating hour cost for driving time, € E15h–1 (VAT 0%) 67.8 67.4 75.3

Fig. 2. The technical harvesting potential of delimbed stems around Rovaniemi, when the moisture content of produced chips is 20 %, 30% or 40%.


Fig. 3. The procurement cost structure of the supply chains and raw material options of this study. Costs are based on average values in the procurement area of Rovaniemi (cf. Table 1, 2 and 3).


Fig. 4. Transporting costs of delimbed stems and chips as a function of transporting distance, when the moisture content (MC) is either 40% or 55%.


Fig. 5. The procurement cost of fuel chips around Rovaniemi when using alternative supply chains and alternative moisture contents and storing options for produced chips. AD = artificial drying.