Fig. 1. Location of the three fires and associated sites sampled within the western portion of the spruce-moss bioclimatic domain, in the managed continuous boreal forest of western Quebec.

Table 1. Site details including fire information, species composition, drainage, surficial deposit, and forest management type. BS = black spruce, JP = jack pine, TSF = time since fire.
Site Fire name
and year
TSF Dominant species composition Drainage Surficial
1 (xeric) Selbaie (1997) 19 BS Well drained Sand Yes Yes
2 (xeric) Selbaie (1997) 19 BS Well drained Sand Yes Yes
3 (xeric) Wedding (1998) 18 BS Moderate – Well drained Sand Yes No
4 (highly xeric) Wedding (1998) 18 BS/JP Excessive Sand No Yes
5 (xeric) Cuvillier (1995) 21 BS/JP Well drained Sand Yes No
6 (mesic) Cuvillier (1995) 21 BS/JP Moderate Sand Yes No
Table 2. Site details including tree stocking and density, mean organic layer depth, and mean understory cover. Tg = Trapeliopsis granulosa cover and thickness.
Site Tree stocking Tree density (stems ha–1) Organic layer depth
Tg cover
Tg thickness
Other lichen cover
Total lichen cover
Sphagnum moss
Ericaceous shrub cover (%)
1 60 1750 9 55 1.2 21 76 2.1 0 35
2 80 2500 8 35 1.2 29 64 9.7 0.3 20
3 10 250 7 17 1.3 39 56 3.6 0 62
4 80 2250 4 63 1.3 13 76 2.4 0 36
5 30 1000 9 27 1.1 40 67 3.6 0.4 58
6 40 4000 14 10 1.2 54 64 4.6 3.8 66

Fig. 2. Trapeliopsis granulosa as seen through a microscope, magnification 8.4X.


Fig. 3. Example of Trapeliopsis granulosa on burnt duff from site 1. Kalmia angustifolia flowers are visible in the image on the left.

Table 3. Daily maximum, minimum, and mean temperature, as well as the mean precipitation amount per rainfall event, and mean days between rainfall events observed at the Val d’Or weather station between June and August (1986–2016).
Val d’Or data (1986–2016) Mean Standard deviation Lower 95% Cl Upper 95% Cl
Maximum temperature (°C) 22.57 4.73 22.39 22.74
Minimum temperature (°C) 10.05 4.44 9.89 10.22
Mean temperature (°C) 16.33 4.11 16.18 16.48
Total precipitation (mm) 5.39 7.95 4.99 5.78
Days between rain events 2.56 2.36 2.42 2.70

Fig. 4. Principal component analysis illustrating the relationship between Trapeliopsis granulosa cover, other lichen cover, ericaceous shrub cover, moss cover, mineral soil cover, dead wood cover, duff cover, rock cover, organic layer depth, and tree density. Axes 1 and 2 have a combined explanation power of 43.77%.


Fig. 5. Mean jack pine seedling survival rates (%) on burnt duff, Trapeliopsis granulosa from site 1, 3, 4, and 5, and mineral soil (Prob. > Chi2 < 0.0001). Survival data for each substrate has been lumped. Letters illustrate significant differences in survival rates between substrates.