Table 1. Characteristics of the test chippers.
Type Drum Disc
Make Pezzolato Pezzolato
Model PTH 300 G H880/250
Year 2012 2012
Serial # CI 5240 CI 5389
Weight kg 2320 1460
Knives n° 2 2
Blade offset mm 15 13
Screen mm 50 NA
Piece breaker NA 3 blades, 40 mm

Fig. 1. The experimental set up with the PTH 300 G drum chipper.


Fig. 2. The experimental set up with the H 880/250 disc chipper.

Table 2. Average time consumption (minutes) per oven-dry tonne chips by chipper and feedstock type.
Feedstock type Disc Drum ∆ Disc (%)
Chestnut stem 6.28a 5.46a 15.0
Poplar branches 10.17b 8.99b 13.1
Poplar logs 6.73a 6.24a 7.9
Poplar mill residue 9.46b 9.46b 0.0
Note: different letters on the average values in the same column indicate statistical significance at the 5 % level; ∆ Disc (%) is the percent increment recorded for the disc chipper, assuming the drum chipper value as the reference base, i.e. ; ∆ Disc (%) = 100 * (Disc – Drum)/Drum.
Table 3. Anova table for time consumption per oven-dry tonne by chipper and feedstock type.
Source DF Type III SS p
Chipper 1 118441.383 0.0535
Feedstock 3 3447703.362 <0.0001
Chipper*Feedstock 3 56431.216 0.6132
Table 4. Average power consumption (kW) when chipping by chipper and feedstock type.
Feedstock type Disc Drum ∆ Disc (%)
Chestnut stem 35.39a 46.26a –23.5
Poplar branches 21.66b 28.83b –24.9
Poplar logs 37.89a 45.99a –17.6
Poplar mill residue 27.92c 34.51c –19.1
Note: different letters on the average values in the same column indicate statistical significance at the 5 % level; ∆ Disc (%) is the percent increment recorded for the disc chipper, assuming the drum chipper value as the reference base, i.e. ; ∆ Disc (%) = 100 * (Disc – Drum)/Drum.
Table 5. Ancova table for average power consumption when chipping by chipper and feedstock type with productivity as covariate.
Source DF Type III SS p
Chipper 1 1239.876 <0.0001
Feedstock 3 1117.873 <0.0001
Chipper*Feedstock 3 49.275 0.2561
Productivity 1 2423.577 <0.0001
Table 6. Consumed energy (MJ) per oven-dry tonne chips by chipper and feedstock type.
Feedstock type Disc Drum ∆ Disc (%)
Chestnut stem 20.80a 24.81a –16.2
Poplar branches 21.38a 25.34a –15.6
Poplar logs 24.95b 28.40b –12.1
Poplar mill residue 26.12b 32.15b –18.8
Note: different letters on the average values in the same column indicate statistical significance at the 5 % level; ∆ Disc (%) is the percent increment recorded for the disc chipper, assuming the drum chipper value as the reference base, i.e. ; ∆ Disc (%) = 100 * (Disc – Drum)/Drum.
Table 7. Anova table for consumed energy per oven-dry tonne by chipper and feedstock type.
Source DF Type III SS p
Chipper 1 575710069.9 <0.0001
Feedstock 3 800329555.6 <0.0001
Chipper*Feedstock 3 29352520.4 0.5779
Table 8. Consumed diesel fuel (L) per oven-dry tonne chips by chipper and feedstock type.
Feedstock type Disc Drum ∆ Disc (%)
Chestnut stem 2.36a 2.73a –13.6
Poplar branches 2.92b 3.35b –12.8
Poplar logs 2.67b 3.21b –16.8
Poplar mill residue 3.11c 3.94c –21.1
Note: different letters on the average values in the same column indicate statistical significance at the 5 % level; ∆ Disc (%) is the percent increment recorded for the disc chipper, assuming the drum chipper value as the reference base, i.e. ; ∆ Disc (%) = 100 * (Disc – Drum)/Drum.
Table 9. Anova table for consumed diesel fuel per oven-dry tonne by chipper and feedstock type.
Source DF Type III SS p
Chipper 1 8.957 <0.0001
Feedstock 3 15.375 <0.0001
Chipper*Feedstock 3 0.924 0.3818

Fig. 3. Average chip size distribution for the disc chipper (grey bars) and drum chipper (black bars).

Table 10. Particle size distribution by chipper and feedstock type.
Chipper Disc Drum
  Chestnut logs
>45 mm 0.1 0.1
45–16 mm 3.8 3.4
15.9–8 mm 50.9 43.7
7.9–3 mm 36.4 42.6
<3 mm 8.8 10.2
  Poplar logs
>45 mm 0.0 0.1
45–16 mm 3.8 3.5
15.9–8 mm 63.7 60.5
7.9–3 mm 25.7 27.0
<3 mm 6.8 8.9
  Poplar branches
>45 mm 0.3 0.4
45–16 mm 5.5 5.5
15.9–8 mm 52.7 44.9
7.9–3 mm 32.0 36.5
<3 mm 9.5 12.7
  Sawmill residues
>45 mm 0.5 0.4
45–16 mm 9.6 7.8
15.9–8 mm 62.9 50.5
7.9–3 mm 21.5 31.1
<3 mm 5.6 10.2
Note: data obtained from back-transformation of Arcsine transformed data.
Table 11. Anova table for particle size distribution.
Source DF Type III SS p
>45 mm
Chipper 1 6.502 * 10–5 0.8889
Feedstock 3 0.043 0.0063
Chipper*Feedstock 3 0.001 0.9505
45–16 mm
Chipper 1 0.005 0.1926
Feedstock 3 0.237 <0.0001
Chipper*Feedstock 3 0.004 0.6782
15.9–8 mm
Chipper 1 0.179 <0.0001
Feedstock 3 0.455 <0.0001
Chipper*Feedstock 3 0.031 0.1114
7.9–3 mm
Chipper 1 859.638 <0.0001
Feedstock 3 3730.834 <0.0001
Chipper*Feedstock 3 263.547 0.0529
<3 mm
Chipper 1 0.074 <0.0001
Feedstock 3 0.065 <0.0001
Chipper*Feedstock 3 0.016 0.0458
Note: analysis conducted after arcsine transformation.