Fig. 1. Location of the studied permanent sampling plots. Broken line indicates arbitrarily division of Latvia in two regions with differing growth patterns of broadleaved trees.

Table 1. Statistics of ash stands in Latvia according to data from Latvia State Forest Service and permanent sampling plots for the period 2005–2015. The 95% confidence intervals are shown for the permanent sampling plot data.
2005 2010 2015
Latvia State Forest Service data
  Total stand area, ha 18 315.7 16 263.5 13 673.71
  Total standing stock m3 373 7303 369 8663 341 0624
  Mean standing volume, m3 ha–1 204.05 227.42 249.43
Permanent sampling plot data
  Stand density, individuals ha–1 256 ± 55 136 ± 45 77 ± 32
  Standing volume, m3 ha–1 322 ± 89 246 ± 77 151 ± 59
  Stand density, individuals ha–1 74 ± 50 178 ± 82 233 ± 79
  Standing volume, m3 ha–1 18 ± 14 119 ± 54 212 ± 66