Table 1. Summary of the data from the 314 field plot (250 m2).
Characteristic Minimum Maximum Mean
hL (m) 7.03 32.51 16.41
hdom (m) 8.96 33.60 19.39
dg (cm) 8.3 44.2 17.8
N (ha–1) 160 3120 1246
G (m2 ha–1) 3.32 78.42 28.52
V (m3 ha–1) 14.91 992.12 242.93
Tree species distribution
  Spruce (%) 0 100 69
  Pine (%) 0 100 22
  Broadleaved species (%) 0 83 9
hL = Lorey’s mean height, hdom = dominant height, dg = mean basal area diameter, N = stem number, G = basal area, V = volume.
Table 2. The accuracy of the resulting data in the three strata and overall, for Lorey’s mean height, stem number and volume in leave-one-plot-out cross validation.
  Lorey’s mean height
Stratum N R2 Mean dif. (%) RMSE (%)   R2 Mean dif. (%) RMSE (%)
1 78 0.88 –0.1 6.9 0.80 0.0 6.7
2 106 0.86 0.0 7.7 0.85 0.0 8.0
3 130 0.90 0.0 7.4   0.85 0.0 9.0
Total 314 0.91 –0.04 7.42 0.90 0.0 7.95
Stem number
Stratum N R2 Mean dif. (%) RMSE (%)   R2 Mean dif. (%) RMSE (%)
1 78 0.69 0.1 28.1 * 0.51 –0.1 35.6 *
2 106 0.56 0.0 35.4 0.43 0.0 39.9
3 130 0.65 0.0 24.2 * 0.57 0.0 26.8 *
Total 314 0.64 0.05 28.34 0.52 –0.02 32.72
Stratum N R2 Mean dif. (%) RMSE (%)   R2 Mean dif. (%) RMSE (%)
1 78 0.82 0.3 20.8 0.71 0.0 25.7
2 106 0.89 0.0 19.2 0.79 –0.1 26.6
3 130 0.92 0.0 18.3   0.84 –0.1 25.6
Total 314 0.91 0.08 20.78 0.81 –0.05 27.14
* Dummy variables representing airborne laser scanning (ALS) and digital aerial photogrammetry (DAP) acquisitions significant at 5%-level.
Table 3. The results of five cost-plus-loss analysis, and the mean volume, relative standard error of volume, and stem number in these studies.
S A Method R M Loss (€ ha–1) Mean Vol RMSE (%) Vol RMSE (%) N
1 a ALS 3 0 13.4 219 12.0 20.6
1 a MPI 3 0 50.9 219 NA 30.4
1 b ALS 3 0 13.3 224 12.1 15.7
1 b MPI 3 0 46.3 224 NA 36
2 c ALS_MV 3 1 327.7 209 9.9 37.1
2 c ALS_DD 3 1 60.7 209 14.1 33.2
2 c ITC 3 1 78.9 209 33.4 62.8
2 c SITC 3 1 109.2 209 28 26.7
3 d Plot10 2 1 9.02 272 9 8
3 d Plot5 2 1 13.95 272 10 12
3 d ImpLS 2 1 80.65 272 18 19
3 d ImpLa 2 1 107.82 272 18 21
3 d ImpSp 2 1 194.03 272 33 33
3 d Plot10 4 1 1.89 272 9 8
3 d Plot5 4 1 3.46 272 10 12
3 d ImpLS 4 1 36.29 272 18 19
3 d ImpLa 4 1 79.29 272 18 21
3 d ImpSp 4 1 201.90 272 33 33
4 e visual 3 1 469.95 57.5 60.4 105.2
4 e ALS1 3 1 412.11 42.2 44.6 73.3
4 e ALS2 3 1 448.26 48.7 59.9 84.6
5 f ALS 3 0 76.26 242.9 20.8 28.4
5 f DAP 3 0 82.79 242.9 27.2 32.8
Study (S) is 1: Eid et al. 2004; 2: Bergseng et al. 2015; 3: Duvemo et al. 2007; 4: Mäkinen et al. 2010; 5: the current study.
Area (A) is a: Våler; b: Krødsherad; c: Aurskog; d: Remningstorp; e: simulated data; f: the current study area.
Method is ALS: area-based laser scanning; MPI: manual photo interpretation; ALS_MV: area-based laser scanning with mean values; ALS_DD: area-based laser scanning with diameter distribution; ITC: individual tree crowns; SITC: semi-individual tree crowns; Plot5: 5 field plots; Plot10: 10 field plots; ImpLS: imputation using laser scanning and satellites; ImpLa: imputations using laser scanning; ImpSp: using satellite, visual assessment in field; ALS1 and ALS2: denote two different data sets for which the errors are simulated.
R = interest rate (%).
M is 0: stand-level growth model; 1: single-tree growth model.
Table 4. The main features of observed losses with airborne laser scanning (ALS) and digital aerial photogrammetry (DAP).
Loss (€ ha–1)
Min. 0.00 0.00
Median 0.00 0.00
Mean 82.79 76.26
Max. 1841.62 1841.62
Table 5. The mean and maximum loss and the standard deviation of losses in the three volume groups for the first period and the whole planning horizon in € ha–1 with airborne laser scanning (ALS) and digital aerial photogrammetry (DAP).
Method Group m3 ha–1 First period Planning horizon
Mean Max Sd Mean Max Sd
ALS V < 392 9.62 451.88 47.75 52.71 914.43 132.02
392 < V < 597 223.16 1841.62 522.27 262.56 1841.62 530.56
V > 597 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0
DAP V < 392 6.02 508.09 37.90 57.11 1183.05 145.80
392 < V < 597 238.79 1841.62 526.19 285.92 1841.62 542.46
V > 597 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 6. The performance of the model predicting the mean loss in the case studies.
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Intercept 238.7186 119.2609 2.002 0.0606
Mean Volume –0.9457 0.3686 –2.565 0.0195
Relative RMSE, volume 4.3930 1.7947 2.448 0.0249