Table 1. Origins of clones and provenance hybrid clones (Gtype) used as seed donors.
Gtype Geographical origin Geographical location and
elevation: parent 1
Geographical location and
elevation: parent 2
Longitude (E) Elevation (m a.s.l.) Latitude
Longitude (E) Elevation (m a.s.l.)
Finland × Switzerland (F × S)
V455 3/E1845 Muonio × E1771 Wintschgau 67°58´ 23°40´ 150–250 46°30´ 10°25´ < 800
V456 4/E1845 Muonio × E1771 Wintschgau 67°58´ 23°40´ 150–250 46°30´ 10°25´ < 800
Finland × Germany 1 (F × G1)
V447 6/E1832 Rovaniemi × E1770 Spiegelau 66°29´ 25°40´ 250 48°57´ 13°25´ 700–800
V448 8/E1832 Rovaniemi × E1770 Spiegelau 66°29´ 25°40´ 250 48°57´ 13°25´ 700–800
V449 10/E1832 Rovaniemi × E1770 Spiegelau 66°29´ 25°40´ 250 48°57´ 13°25´ 700–800
Finland × Germany 2 (F × G2)
V49 E5520 Loppi × E1893 Carlsfeld 60°37´ 24°26´ 120 50°24´ 12°35´ 900
V302 H3270 Loppi × E1766 Carlsfeld 60°37´ 24°26´ 120 50°24´ 12°35´ 900
Finland × Germany 3 (F × G3)
V381 K1413 Pieksänmaa × E1890/2 Schielbach 62°23´ 27°04´ 160 50°24´ 12°18´ 400–600
V382 K1413 Pieksänmaa × E1890/6 Schielbach 62°23´ 27°04´ 160 50°24´ 12°18´ 400–600
V383 K1411 Pieksänmaa × E1890/8 Schielbach 62°23´ 27°04´ 160 50°24´ 12°18´ 400–600
Finland × Latvia (F × L)
V469 E2672 Loppi × E943/2 Goldingen 60°44´ 24°30´ 120 57°38´ 22°00´ < 100
V470 E2672 Loppi × E943/3 Goldingen 60°44´ 24°30´ 120 57°38´ 22°00´ < 100
Russia (R)
V325 513/2 Pskov Oblast 57°48´ 28°26´ 100–200
V327 513/8 Pskov Oblast 57°48´ 28°26´ 100–200
Finland × Estonia (F × E)
V386 K1420 Pieksänmaa × E949/1 Perawald 62°22´ 27°04´ 160 58°00´ 27°30´ < 100
V388 K1420 Pieksänmaa × E949/4 Perawald 62°22´ 27°04´ 160 58°00´ 27°30´ < 100
V389 K1420 Pieksänmaa × E949/5 Perawald 62°22´ 27°04´ 160 58°00´ 27°30´ < 100
Finland (F)
V47 Tree157, +8 Pornainen 60°29´ 25°30´ 30
V332 E2937/4 Pöytyä 60°43´ 22°51´ 90
V43 Tree300, +44 Miehikkälä 60°47´ 27°30´ 60
V48 Tree92, +44 Miehikkälä 60°47´ 27°30´ 60
V465 E3821/1 Ruokolahti 61°19´ 28°55´ 100

Fig. 1. Outline of experimental layout. CD – calendar day.


Fig. 2. (A) Height development of Norway spruce seedlings, and (B) probability of autumn frost damage in needles of Norway spruce seedlings, as averaged by the following climate treatments: 1 °C above ambient and ambient CO2 (Ambient T+1 °C), 4° C above ambient and ambient CO2 (Ambient T+4 °C), and 4 °C above ambient and elevated CO2 (Ambient T+4 °C + CO2).

Table 2. Parameter estimates and standard errors (SE) for final mean height (asym), mean height at height measurement start (hmin), day (xmid) half mean height was reached (asymhmin), and scaling variable (scal) and random effects for final mean height (asym) and mean height at height measurement start (hmin) of height development model (Eq. 1).
Treatment Fixed part Random part
Variance Correlations
Estimate SE asym
Ambient T+1 °C
Ambient T+4 °C
T+4 °C + CO2
Ambient T+1 °C
Ambient T+4 °C
T+4 °C + CO2
asym Ambient T+1 °C 118a 2.22 10.202 1 0.671 0.808 0.722 0.488 0.719
Ambient T+4 °C 147b 3.01 17.602 1 0.841 0.396 0.898 0.822
Ambient T+4 °C + CO2 144b 3.87 19.902 1 0.455 0.708 0.921
hmin Ambient T+1 °C 29a 1.65 1.402 1 0.5 0.639
Ambient T+4 °C 35b 1.96 2.402 1 0.854
Ambient T+4 °C + CO2 37b 1.91 2.902 1
xmid Ambient T+1 °C 204a 1.1
Ambient T+4 °C 201b 1.1
Ambient T+4 °C + CO2 201b 1.1
scal Ambient T+1 °C 17.60a 1.443
Ambient T+4 °C 14.66b 1.292
Ambient T+4 °C + CO2 15.55b 1.314
ɛrjt 10.302
Different letters following estimated values indicate differences among climate treatments (p<0.05). Ambient T+1 °C – 1 °C above ambient and ambient CO2, Ambient T+4 °C – 4 °C above ambient and ambient CO2, Ambient T+4 °C + CO2 – 4 °C above ambient and elevated CO2.
Table 3. Parameter estimates for final mean height (asym), mean height at height measurement start (hmin), day (xmid) half mean height was reached (asymhmin), scaling variable (scal), and genotypes (Gtype) of by-climate-treatment height development model (Eq. 2).
Gtype Origin Ambient T+1 °C Ambient T+4 °C Ambient T+4 °C + CO2
asym hmin xmid scal asym hmin xmid scal asym hmin xmid scal
V455 F × S 111 31 202 18.38 159 38 199 14.98 142 35 195 14.20
V456 F × S 107 31 205 18.86 147 32 197 14.94 145 33 197 14.28
V447 F × G1 134 28 202 16.39 170 37 199 14.86 178 35 197 13.46
V448 F × G1 119 29 203 16.61 141 37 198 15.82 130 35 197 15.00
V449 F × G1 117 27 201 17.43 146 36 199 15.32 139 34 194 14.03
V49 F × G2 128 27 205 16.97 178 37 200 14.50 159 33 196 13.34
V302 F × G2 136 30 203 17.92 175 35 197 14.17 184 37 197 13.63
V381 F × G3 123 30 203 19.27 131 35 196 15.98 127 32 199 14.18
V382 F × G3 122 33 203 17.98 154 39 197 14.70 130 38 196 14.00
V383 F × G3 132 32 204 18.54 124 34 203 17.47 128 34 200 14.66
V469 F × L 121 27 205 16.40 136 33 202 14.39 132 32 197 14.31
V470 F × L 102 25 206 18.02 127 28 201 15.78 105 27 199 16.00
V325 R 102 28 204 17.18 127 35 202 15.99 117 34 195 15.86
V327 R 110 24 201 18.55 134 31 198 15.02 134 32 194 16.16
V386 F × E 133 31 203 18.42 161 36 199 14.71 174 38 197 13.85
V388 F × E 112 28 201 18.38 150 36 198 14.39 151 35 196 14.63
V389 F × E 119 29 205 17.91 142 34 200 14.66 155 37 200 14.85
V47 F 124 27 204 18.17 155 33 202 15.37 170 31 196 13.32
V332 F 101 30 204 18.87 111 34 196 16.59 120 34 194 14.71
V43 F 128 29 203 16.02 140 37 205 16.46 138 34 198 14.22
V48 F 112 30 201 18.97 148 39 198 16.04 144 39 195 14.94
V465 F 124 28 205 17.07 159 37 200 14.54 162 36 195 14.12
All genotypes 119 29 203 17.83 146 35 199 15.30 144 34 196 14.44
Mother tree origins are Finland × Switzerland (F × S), Finland × Germany (F × G), Finland × Latvia (F × L), Finland × Estonia (F × E), Russia (R), and Finland (F). Numbers 1, 2, and 3 for F × G mark different crosses for mother trees. Ambient T+1 °C – 1 °C above ambient and ambient CO2, Ambient T+4 °C – 4 °C above ambient and ambient CO2, Ambient T+4 °C + CO2 – 4 °C above ambient and elevated CO2.

Fig. 3. (A) Final heights for Norway spruce genotypes, and by-climate-treatment mean final heights (solid line). (B) Calendar days of 50% frost damage probability in seedling needles for Norway spruce genotypes, and by-climate-treatment mean calendar days of 50% frost damage probability (solid line). Mother tree origins are Finland × Switzerland (F × S), Finland × Germany (F × G), Finland × Latvia (F × L), Finland × Estonia (F × E), Russia (R), and Finland (F). Numbers 1, 2 and 3 for F × G mark different crosses for mother trees. Climate treatments are Ambient T+1 °C – 1 °C above ambient and ambient CO2, Ambient T+4 °C – 4 °C above ambient and ambient CO2, Ambient T+4 °C + CO2 – 4 °C above ambient and elevated CO2. View larger in new window/tab.

Table 4. Parameter estimates, standard errors (SE), and random effects of the frost hardiness development model (Eq. 3). View in new window/tab.