Pohjoismaiden yhteistyö metsäntutkimuksessa.
Heikinheimo L. (1969). Pohjoismaiden yhteistyö metsäntutkimuksessa. Silva Fennica vol. 3 no. 2 article id 4797. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a14583
English title: Inter-Scandinavian research in forestryAbstract
Nordiska skogsarbetsstudiernas råd (NSR, Council for Inter-Scandinavian Research in Forest Work Science) is the most developed organization in this field. It has only research institute members. The council started in 1953 and has since then had meetings and working groups. Among the latter, an Inter-Scandinavian and British wood nomenclature was created. In 1969 the organization will start a number of joint investigations, two of them in Finland, concerning utilization of waste wood and transport difficulties in forest terrain. Sweden will study branching, Norway relations between men and machines and Denmark broadleaved tree cutting and hauling.
Economists have since 1958 had an Inter-Scandinavian Seminar for Forest Economists (Nordiskt skogsekonomiskt Seminar, NSS), which has only personal members. Also, Inter-Scandinavian forest congresses have been held every fourth year since 1923, in which also research results have been presented.
The PDF includes a summary in English.
Original keywords
pohjoismainen yhteistyö
English keywords
Nordiska skogsarbetsstudiernas råd;
Scandinavian cooperation;
Nordic cooperation
Published in 1969
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