Studies on directions of the storms in Finland
Bonsdorff A. J. (1917). Studies on directions of the storms in Finland. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 8 no. 1 article id 7016.
There are lot of storm damages in the Finnish forests. They are particularly common in forests logged as strips or with clear cuts, but not absent in selection forestry either. To protect the forests from natural disasters requires more intensive management. For the forestry purposes it is important to know the most common wind directions of different parts of the country. The paper finds out which stormy wind directions are most dangerous to Finnish forests and hence need to be mostly taken into consideration when planning logging operations. The study is based on meteorological data that has been compared with the reports of storm damages in state owned forests.
The most storm damage take place during the growing season, and to some extent in late fall. The regeneration felling should take place against the primary direction of the stormy winds. The paper represents the most common wind directions for different parts of the country. However, the wind directions may vary from the primary with local conditions such as altitude differences.
storm damage;
prevention of storm damages;
wind direction;
meteorological data
Published in 1917
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