On the relation between the hibernation of rye and the extensibility and the tensile strength of its roots
Kokkonen P. (1927). On the relation between the hibernation of rye and the extensibility and the tensile strength of its roots. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 33 no. 3 article id 7212. https://doi.org/10.14214/aff.7212
In attempts to improve the autumn cereals, wheat and rye, hibernation plays an essential role. Those varieties that hibernate well should be marketed and others rejected. Concerning roots, it seems that varieties that hibernate well have more extent root system than those hibernating poorly.
Four varieties of rye were chosen for experiments, two that knowingly hibernate well and two that don’t. The experiments were grown in the Botanical gardens of the university and at the same time in experiment field in Tikkurila.
The results proof that plant hibernating well have more extensible roots than others and hence they survive better in frosting soil that extents.
The PDF contains a summary in English and in Finnish.
root system;
Published in 1927
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