Forest types in Scotland
Anderson M. L. (1929). Forest types in Scotland. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 34 no. 2 article id 7215.
The primeval forests of Scotland were deforested in the Lowlands by the end of 1500th century, and in the end of the 1800th century also the best forests of the more inaccessible Highlands were exploited. The 1800th century witnessed an outburst of afforestation among the private land owners. With help of nursery work and use of exotic species, the work was successful. Silviculture of Scotland would benefit of a reliable method of site classification. The complexity of the geology and topography, and the lack of mature natural stands complicate the establish a forest type classification similar to the one Prof. Cajander has evolved in Finland. The aim is to establish forest site types which include similar types as in Finland, with possibly additional types in the grass-herb series.
Jubileum publication of professor Aimo Kaarlo Cajander.
forest site types
Published in 1929
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