Suomen puunjalostusteollisuuden raaka-aineen käyttö vuosina 1911-29
Pöntynen V. (1931). Suomen puunjalostusteollisuuden raaka-aineen käyttö vuosina 1911-29. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 37 no. 3 article id 7265.
English title: Wood consumption of wood manufacturing industry in Finland in 1911‒1929Abstract
The main source of data was the official industrial statistics in 1911‒1929. The data was complemented with information from other sources, and the figures converted to solid volumes under bark. The wood consumption of wood manufacturing industry in the period varied strongly, being lowest in 1918 (2.2 million m3) and highest in 1927 (18.1 million m3). The wood consumption dropped during the World War I.
The wood manufacturing industry in Finland concentrated on sawmilling industry which has used annually 70‒80% of the wood consumed in the whole wood manufacturing industry. Other sectors of industry using wood were plywood industry, wood-wool industry, spool factories, match industry, mechanical pulpwood industry and pulp industry.
The PDF includes a summary in German.
Original keywords
puun käyttö;
puu raaka-aine;
English keywords
forest industry;
wood consumption;
pulp industry;
sawmilling industry;
plywood industry;
mechanical pulp
Published in 1931
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