Duration and age class distribution of some meadow grasses in the young age
Linkola K. (1935). Duration and age class distribution of some meadow grasses in the young age. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 42 no. 2 article id 7319. https://doi.org/10.14214/aff.7319
The data has been collected from an old natural meadow in Sortavala, Karelia (on that time it was part of Finland). The vegetation on that meadow was very homogenous. All plants of the selected species (Trollius europaeus; Ranunculus auricomus; R. acer; Potentilla erecta; Alchemilla vulgaris; Geum rivale; Prunella vulgaris; Chrysanthemum leucanthemum; Polygonum viviparum) were collected from the sample plots with their roots. The seedlings were then ordered into age classes, and the shortest possible time before inflorescence was determined. To find out the germination time sowing trials were conducted.
The seedlings are very abundant in the youngest age classes and then the amount of plant individuals sinks quickly. The reasons for dying are e.g. insufficient amount of nutrients available and the lack of winter hardiness.
The PDF contains a summary in Finnish.
age class;
meadow grass;
plant commune;
Trollius europaeus;
Ranunculus auricomus;
R. acer;
Potentilla erecta;
Alchemilla vulgaris;
Geum rivale;
Prunella vulgaris;
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum;
Polygonum viviparum
Published in 1935
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