Characters and meaning of forest types
Cajander A. K. (1930). Characters and meaning of forest types. Silva Fennica no. 15 article id 4456.
The article contains three presentations given about forest type classification at the University of Tarto in Estonia. The article has an introduction, a part about the meaning of the natural classification of forest sites and up to now conducted studies on site classification. The second part presents the characteristics of plant communities and the forest types, and practical and theoretical meaning of forest types.
Classifying the forest sites is important in practical forestry, because the forest growth and forest valuation are dependent on the productivity of the soil. The classification of the sites for forest management purposes needs to result in classes that are easily distinguished in the forest. This then leads to forest management that best fits to a certain forest site.
plant community;
vegetation unit;
forest types;
forest site classification
Published in 1930
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