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Risto Sarvas (email)

Ilmavalokuvauksen merkityksestä metsätaloudessamme

Sarvas R. (1938). Ilmavalokuvauksen merkityksestä metsätaloudessamme. Silva Fennica no. 48 article id 4547. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a9072

English title: Use of aerial photography in forestry


The article is a treatise on use of aerial photography in forestry and its prodpective applications in Finland, based on the writers visit to Techniche Hohschule Dresden in Germany and experiences in his work in Forest Service.

Optimal conditions and principals of aerial photography are described. There is potential in use of aerial photography in Finland. The terrain is relatively flat, and large areas, especially in Lapland, are inadequately mapped. However, to fulfil the current requirements for forest maps, aerial photography should be carried out as aerial stereo photography at a sufficiently large scale. At a certain scale terrain survey becomes cheaper than aerial photography.

In forestry, aerial photography cannot substitute terrain survey, but it complements it. Aerial photographs could, for instance, form a photo archive of a region or be used as a basis for planning drainage of peatlands. In research, aerial stereo photography could become a new discipline.

The article has a German summary.

Original keywords
metsätalous; ilmakuvaus; kaukokartoitus; kuvatulkinta; metsänarviointi

English keywords
aerial photography; forest mensuration; aerial stereo photography

Published in 1938

Views 2666

Available at https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a9072 | Download PDF

Creative Commons License CC BY-SA 4.0

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