Metsänhoitoyhdistyslain tarkistamiskomitean mietintö.
Metsänhoitoyhdistyslain tarkistamiskomitea . (1959). Metsänhoitoyhdistyslain tarkistamiskomitean mietintö. Silva Fennica no. 98 article id 4685.
English title: Report of the committee set out to revise the Law on Forest Management AssociationsAbstract
The Law on Forest Management Associations was passed in 1950. According to the law, forest owners have to pay a forestry fee, which is used to finance local forest management associatons. The effect of the law on Finnish private forestry is considered to be significant.
The number of consulting forest officers has increased by 95% and the labour input by 107% since the law came into effect. Thus, the guidance available for forest owners has increased markedly. 85% of timber cut from private forests are marked by professional foresters, while the share was earlier less than 30%. The amount of forest management work, such as clearing of felling sites, sowing and care of plantations, has also increased.
On the other hand, experience has pointed out a need for revising some points of the law. To this aim, the Government of Finland appointed a committee to outline the ammendments. The present article contains the report of the committee.
The committee suggests that the forestry fee, that according to the present law is 2-6% of the net yield computed for communal income tax, will be changed to 2-5%. Further, forest holding in which the annual increment is less than 20 cu.m. are at the moment exempt from the fee. It is suggested that holdings with an annual increment of less than 30 cu.m. pay half a fee. In addition, the committee suggests some clarifying provisions to be adopted.
The article includes a summary in English.
Original keywords
English keywords
Forest Management Associations;
forestry fee;
Forest Management Association Act
Published in 1959
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