Havaintoja Neuvostoliiton metsäntutkimuksesta.
Luukkanen O. (1976). Havaintoja Neuvostoliiton metsäntutkimuksesta. Silva Fennica vol. 10 no. 1 article id 4929. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a14771
English title: Observations on forest research in the USSRAbstract
The main forest research institutes in USSR as well as schools for higher education in forestry are presented in this article, on the basis of observations made during study tours and the relevant literature. Research in forest genetics, tree physiology and related fields i stressed. The State Forestry Committee leads the regional units of forestry administration and also governs a number of research institutes. Among these, the All-Union Forest Research Institute near Moscow has a central position. Regional institutes as well as those specializing in a particular field within forest research may belong to this category, too. Basic research, on the other hand, is conducted under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences or academies of sciences of the Soviet republics. This type of institute also includes those devoted purely to forestry. Forest education at the university level takes place in schools usually called institutes of forest technology.
The PDF includes a summary in English.
Original keywords
English keywords
forest research;
research institutes;
Soviet Union
Published in 1976
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