The additional physical strain caused by safety equipment in logging work
Klen T., Louhevaara V. (1978). The additional physical strain caused by safety equipment in logging work. Silva Fennica vol. 12 no. 3 article id 4999.
The safety clothing, rubber safety boots, belt with lifting hooks and personal protectors can weight about 3 kg more than the normal work clothing including rubber boots. In order to evaluate the increase off the physical strain in logging work due to them, laboratory tests performed on tread mill were made. The physical strain increased 3–11% as estimated from heart rate and 4–8% as estimated from oxygen consumption measurements.
The PDF includes a summary in English.
Original keywords
työn kuormittavuus;
English keywords
work load;
occupational safety;
forest work;
physical stress;
logging work;
safety equipment
Published in 1978
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