Huuri O. (1978). Visaseura. Silva Fennica vol. 12 no. 4 article id 5007.
English title: Curly Birch SocietyAbstract
Curly birch, a curly grained variety of birch (Betula pendula f. carelica Sok.), has fetched a higher price than any other Finnish tree species on account of its rarity and decorativeness. Curly graininess has been found in Finland in addition to silver birch, also in Alnus glutinosa and Sorbus aucuparia.
The Curly Birch Society was founded in Finland in 1956. Its purpose is to promote the cultivation and use of curly birch, and to coordinate the activities of curly birch cultivators, forest industry and research. The society has made excursions and held informative meetings every year. Furthermore, the society has arranged exhibitions and participated in more extensive agricultural and forestry fairs.
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Original keywords
English keywords
Betula pendula var. carelica;
curly birch
Published in 1978
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