Bestämning av pH-värdet i utspädda bikarbonatlösningar vid olika CO2-tryck
Carlberg J. J. (1935). Bestämning av pH-värdet i utspädda bikarbonatlösningar vid olika CO2-tryck. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 42 no. 3 article id 7320.
English title: Analysis of pH in diluted bicarbonate solutions using different partial pressures of CO2Abstract
The paper is a dissertation paper that describes analysis of pH in diluted bicarbonate solutions using different partial pressures of CO2. In the work, an equation was obtained from the balance equations of a base-bicarbonate-water system. Similarly, an equation was obtained to describe the relationship of partial pressure of CO2 and hydrogen ion concentration of a bicarbonate solution. This equation can be used to determine the bicarbonate concentration of a gas mixture.
The PDF includes a Finnish and German summary.
chemical analysis;
bicarbonate concentration
Published in 1935
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