The periodic variation of the regeneration of pine (Pinus sylvestris) at the polar tree line
Renvall A. (1913). The periodic variation of the regeneration of pine (Pinus sylvestris) at the polar tree line. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 1 no. 2 article id 7527.
The study deals with the preconditions for natural regeneration of the pine at the polar tree line in northern Finland and Sweden. The data has been collected in three summers from 1909 to 1911 in areas of Inari and Utsjoki in Finland and Kaaresuvanto, Jukkasjärvi und Pajala in Sweden. The yearly variation of seed production of pine is studied and compared with the age of the stand, site factors and weather conditions.
Intensity of reproduction is dependent on different preconditions for pistils and stamens and hence the total reproduction (formation of cones) can vary very much depending on the weather.
According the study, the formation of cones varies yearly and is particularly strong every three to four years. Supposedly the same model applies to whole polar tree line of the Fennoscandia. There seem to be no difference between northern and southern parts of Scandinavia when it comes to frequency of good cone years though they not always occur in the same years.
Pinus sylvestris;
seed production;
reproduction of pine;
polar tree line;
cone formation
Published in 1913
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