Effects of simulated tractor vibration on the psychophysiological and mechanical functions of the driver : comparison of some excitatory frequencies
Wuolijoki E. (1981). Effects of simulated tractor vibration on the psychophysiological and mechanical functions of the driver : comparison of some excitatory frequencies. Acta Forestalia Fennica no. 168 article id 7615. https://doi.org/10.14214/aff.7615
The aim of the study was to search for differences in ergonomic effects between lateral 1, 2, 3 and 4 Hz whole-body vibrations of the forest tractor driver. Healthy male volunteers, both professional drivers and students, were exposed to 692 different vibrations in four different experiments, total number of subjects being 34.
Increase of vibration displacement affected clearly the subjects’ manipulating ability. The subjective magnitude rating of vibration correlated with energy content of vibration, but no correlation was found between subjective rating and heart rate, blood pressure or urinary catecholamine excretion, although the last variables mentioned indicate the energy consumption of the body. The professional drivers rated the vibration with smaller ratings than amateur drivers.
Frequency alteration of tractor vibration can be a possibility for reduction of vibrational effects as a tool for industrial hygiene.
The PDF includes a summary in Finnish.
forest work;
forest tractor;
occupational health;
tractor driver
Published in 1981
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