Population, economic welfare and holding size distribution of private forestland in Alabama, USA
Pan Y., Zhang Y., Majumdar I. (2009). Population, economic welfare and holding size distribution of private forestland in Alabama, USA. Silva Fennica vol. 43 no. 1 article id 222. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.222
This paper analyzes structural differences in holding size distribution of private forestland at the county level in Alabama, USA. The following categories are used to describe the timberland holding distribution: mean holding size, Gini coefficient of timberland holdings, and share of county timberland in holding sizes of fewer than 80 hectares and more than 800 hectares. Regressions are conducted to explore the socio-economic correlates of forestland holding size distribution. Results indicate that population density, age structure, urban-rural population structure, income structure and land tenure type are strongly associated with the forest holding size distribution.
private forestland owners;
land tenure
Received 28 May 2008 Accepted 19 December 2008 Published 31 December 2009
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