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Maalaisväestön metsäopetus

Metsäopetuskomitea . (1939). Maalaisväestön metsäopetus. Silva Fennica no. 54 article id 4573. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a9078

English title: Forest education of rural population


The article is a proposal of a committee, appointed by the government of Finland, to expand the forest education of landowners, concerning use and management of forests. The proposal also outlines a program for a youth association dedicated to forests. The committee proposes that present organizations are used as a basis for the expanding education. The main forms of education suggested were education in public and agricultural colleges, education in forest colleges, forest clubs, forestry study groups and self-study, courses, excursions, exhibitions, competitions and rising of general awareness. Different age groups would be given education adapted to their needs.

The report includes statistics about rural population of Finland in 1938 and detailed description of how the education would be arranged in different parts of the country.

The article includes an abstract in German.

Original keywords
metsänhoito; metsäopetus; komiteamietinnöt; koulutus; kurssit; maaseutuväestö; nuorisojärjestö

English keywords
forest management; forest education; committee; education; courses; rural population; youth association

Published in 1939

Views 2556

Available at https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a9078 | Download PDF

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