Ehdotus metsikön kuution ja käyttöpuuosuuden määrittämiseksi.
Nisula P. (1968). Ehdotus metsikön kuution ja käyttöpuuosuuden määrittämiseksi. Silva Fennica vol. 2 no. 1 article id 4761.
English title: A proposal for the determination of total volume and utilization per cent of standing timberAbstract
The present study gives an account of the dependence prevailing between the actual volume of timber crops, and, on one hand, the sum of cylindrical volume of individual trees, and on the other hand, the utilization per cent. This dependence is rectlinear if the volumes in question are calculated on a running-foot basis. The cylindrical volume of individual trees was calculated on the basis of cross-section area at breast height and the height of the trees. On the basis of the results, it seems that it is possible to simplify timber measurement.
The PDF includes a summary in English.
Original keywords
puuston tilavuus;
käyttöpuun määrä;
hylkypuun määrä;
puun tilavuus
English keywords
stand volume;
timber measurement;
volume of a tree
Published in 1968
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