Metsien inventoinnin tilastolliset menetelmät.
Suomen tilastoseura ., Finnish Society of Forest Science . (1985). Metsien inventoinnin tilastolliset menetelmät. Silva Fennica vol. 19 no. 3 article id 5242.
English title: Statistical methods in forest inventoryAbstract
At a joint meeting of the Finnish Statistical Society and the Society of Forestry in Finland on 17.10.1984, papers were presented on the history and mathematical foundations of statistical methods used in forest inventory in Finland. The advantages and applicability of Bayresian methods and methods of spatial statistics were also discussed. In two papers, forest inventories were examined as part of a forest information system and the information demands of the user were discussed.
This article includes eight presentation held in the meeting. The papers have each a summary in English.
Original keywords
English keywords
forest inventory;
forest research;
statistical methods;
spatial statistics
Published in 1985
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