Burczyk J., Kosiński G., Lewandowski A. (1991). . Silva Fennica vol. 25 no. 4 article id 5458. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a15616
English title: Mating pattern and empty seed formation in relation to crown level of Larix decidua (Mill.) clones.Abstract
The mating system was analysed in the upper and lower crown of two groups of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) clones divided according to the percentage of full seeds in the upper and lower crown parts. The overall multilocus estimate of outcrossing rate (t) was calculated to be 0.929. The differences of outcrossing rates between crown levels and clonal groups respectively were not statistically significant. The t estimates were greater for the upper crown level and for clones with higher percentage of full seeds in the upper crown level. However, among all observations there was no correlation between outcrossing rates and percentages of full seeds for particular crown levels and groups of clones. Observed similarity of outcrossing among grafts of the same clones may indicate genetic control of self-fertilization rate in individual European larch.
The PDF includes an abstract in Finnish.
Larix decidua;
mating systems;
genetic load;
Published in 1991
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