Evolutionary forces influencing variation among populations of Pinus sylvestris
Eriksson G. (1998). Evolutionary forces influencing variation among populations of Pinus sylvestris. Silva Fennica vol. 32 no. 2 article id 694. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.694
The evolutionary forces influencing genetic differentiation among populations are identified. Natural selection, random genetic drift, and mutations promote differentiation while phenotypic plasticity and gene flow delay or prevent differentiation. Evolution is a dynamic force which leads to instability and absence of any perfection in the adaptive process. Natural selection acts mainly on phenotypes and only indirectly on the components of important breeding traits. In the northern part of the distribution of Scots pine there is a large among- and within-population variation in survival. The high among-population variation occurs in spite of an assumed high gene flow. Biomass is a product of many components and it also shows a high population variation. Many markers are neutral and such markers will not reveal adaptive variation.
Pinus sylvestris;
Scots pine;
among-population variation;
evolutionary forces
Received 9 November 1994 Accepted 7 May 1998 Published 31 December 1998
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