The distribution and abundance of the tree roots in the heathy forests on Lapland
Aaltonen V. T. (1920). The distribution and abundance of the tree roots in the heathy forests on Lapland. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 14 no. 1 article id 7034.
The study presents and describes the abundance and distribution of tree roots in specific stands of heathy forest types in Lapland. The data was collected in the Sodankylä commune.
Due to the shortcomings in the data, conclusions can be drawn only regarding pine forests. The result of study states that the root competition plays an important role in the development of the forests, and most of the other observed phenomena are linked with root competition. The more infertile the soil the vertically and horizontally wider and more abundant the root system. It seems that the abundance of the root system is similar in forest of same fertility class and same density and age.
root system;
heathy forests;
tree root;
root competition;
Published in 1920
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