Paperipuun-vientikomitea . (1933). Paperipuukysymys. Silva Fennica no. 28 article id 4469.
English title: The pulpwood questionAbstract
A Commission was appointed to examine the significance of pulpwood exports from the political-economic and social point of view. A survey was made of the development of woodworking industry in Finland. The article includes a detailed review on paper industry in Finland and abroad, pulpwood resources in Finland and outlook of the industry. The export of pulpwood was significant in 1925-1927, the most important country being Germany. The commission notes that It would be more profitable to refine the wood into more expensive products. It does, however, not see it necessary to restrict export of pulpwood. If restrictions are considered necessary, prohibition of export is a better way than export duties.
The best way to promote domestic paper industry is to increase the supply of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.). Measures are suggested to increase the productivity of the forests through forest improvement. The annual increment of spruce is calculated to cover the consumption in near future, provided the export of pulpwood does not amount to 600,000 m3, and the local demand of pulpwood does not exceed 7.8 million m3 annually. The Commission proposes that state ownership of forests is increased, forest management is intensified, and restrictions of forest industry to acquire forest land are removed.
It suggests also reliefs in taxation and import duties on fields related to transport, and equipment and raw materials needed by the paper industry.
The PDF includes a summary in English.
Original keywords
English keywords
forest management;
Norway spruce;
Picea abies;
paper industry;
wood consumption;
wood export
Published in 1933
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