Ristipaineet valtion metsien käytön valintatilanteissa.
Kotimäki T. (1993). Ristipaineet valtion metsien käytön valintatilanteissa. Silva Fennica vol. 27 no. 3 article id 5517. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a15678
English title: Contradictory targets in the use of state forests of FinlandAbstract
The paper discusses the principles of forest management in the state forests of Finland, and the contradictions in choosing between the different land uses. These principles of the forest management are sustainable use of natural resources, economic and effective management, and taking in account nature conservation, protection of environment, recreation services and employment issues in all activities of the Forest Service. Even regional policy affects the management planning in the state forests.
Original keywords
metsien monikäyttö;
kestävä metsätalous
English keywords
forest management;
forest management planning;
Forest Service;
state forests;
multiple use of forests;
conflicting targets;
land use;
regional planning
Published in 1993
Views 2936
Available at https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a15678 | Download PDF