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Olavi Linnamies (email)

Eri suuruisten yksityismetsälöiden metsävaroista ja metsien tilasta

Linnamies O. (1944). Eri suuruisten yksityismetsälöiden metsävaroista ja metsien tilasta. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 52 no. 2 article id 7380. https://doi.org/10.14214/aff.7380

English title: Forest resources and condition of the forests in forest holdings of various sizes


The aim of the investigation was to study the effect of size of a forest holding to its forest resources or state and quality of the forests. The data was collected in the second national forest inventory in Finland, carried out in 1936-1938. The study focuses on farms in two areas in Southern Finland: provinces of Pohjois-Häme and Satakunta, and provinces of Uusimaa and Kaakkois-Häme.

In 1938 about 53% of forests in Finland were owned by private forest holdings, the sizes of which varied from under 5 ha to over 1,000 ha. About 75 % of the holdings were under 50 ha. After 1918 the number of private forest holdings increased markedly, mainly due to settlement and tenant farmers gaining ownership to their farms.

The smaller the forest holdings were, the poorer was the silvicultural state of the forests and the smaller the standing stock. When the area of the forest holding increases, also the volume of the standing stock per hectare, the number of timber-trees, and average size of the timber trees increases. This is due to larger proportion of older age-classes and somewhat better forest management. Fellings have usually been stronger in the smaller forest holdings. The poor state of the forests originates often from use of the forests before the present ownership, such as slash and burn culture, grazing and cutting wood for household use. To improve the state of the forests, education and forest improvement practices are needed.

The PDF includes a summary in German.

Original keywords
metsänhoito; yksityismetsät; metsätilat; metsälön koko

English keywords
forest management; private forests; forest holdings; size of forests

Published in 1944

Views 2465

Available at https://doi.org/10.14214/aff.7380 | Download PDF

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