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Tauno Kallio (email), Yrjö Norokorpi

Kuusikon tyvilahoisuus.

Kallio T., Norokorpi Y. (1972). Kuusikon tyvilahoisuus. Silva Fennica vol. 6 no. 1 article id 4861. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a14664

English title: Butt rot in a Norway spruce stand


The study was carried out in a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) stand in Southern Finland which was to be clear-cut due to decay. The species composition and incidence of decay fungi were investigated from the cut surfaces of the stumps. In addition, the colour and size of the decayed spot was observed.

About 28% of the total number of trees were decayed. Fomes annosus (Heterobasidion annosum) was the most common decay fungus. It was identified from 75% of the decayed trees, and was the sole agent in 43% of these trees. Armillaria mellea was the second commonest decay fungus. It decayed trees mostly in combination with Fomes annosus. The most common colours of the decay produced by F. annosus were reddish or yellowish brown. The decay caused by A. mellea was blackish brown. The causative agent cannot be reliably identified on the basis of the colour of the decayed part.

The PDF includes a summary in English.

Original keywords
kuusi; juurikääpä; laho; mesisieni; tyvilaho; kannot

English keywords
Norway spruce; Picea abies; stumps; Heterobasidion annosum; decay; Fomes annosus; Armillaria mellea

Published in 1972

Views 3707

Available at https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a14664 | Download PDF

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