The wax structure of the developing needles of Pinus sylvestris progenies infected by Lophodermella sulcigena.
Jalkanen R., Huttunen S., Väisänen T. (1981). The wax structure of the developing needles of Pinus sylvestris progenies infected by Lophodermella sulcigena. Silva Fennica vol. 15 no. 4 article id 5131.
The development of the stomatal area wax structure of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles was studied in flushing needles with a scanning electron microscope. The needles were obtained from eleven Finnish plus tree progenies. The needles were taken from trees that were either nearly uninfected or heavily infected by Lophodermella sulcigena (Rostr.) Höhn.
No difference in the early developmental stages of stomatal vax structure were observed between the southern Finnish, central Finnish and northern Finnish progenies. The general structure differed in the stomatal cavity chamber size. The stomatal openings were larger in heavily infected trees than in healthy trees. This might have an influence on the mechanical penetration of the fungal hyphae.
The PDF includes a summary in Finnish.
Pinus sylvestris;
Scots pine;
disease resistance;
Lophodermella sulcigena;
needle structure;
stomatal cavity
Published in 1981
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