Variation in needle nutrient concentrations in the crown of Scots pine on peatland.
Finér L. (1994). Variation in needle nutrient concentrations in the crown of Scots pine on peatland. Silva Fennica vol. 28 no. 1 article id 5527.
Variation in needle nutrient concentrations with age and vertical location in the crown was studied in three Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands growing on peat soils in Eastern Finland. The concentrations of N, P, Fe and Zn decreased down the crown and those of Ca and Mn increased. Potassium and magnesium concentration patterns differed between sites.
Potassium and Mg concentrations were highest in the current needles at all heights in the crown, iron and manganese concentrations were highest in the oldest needles. The concentrations of N, P and Zn did not vary with needle age.
Scots pine;
conifer needles;
leaf age;
plant analysis;
nutrient content
Published in 1994
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